
Getting Outdoors

Mar 17
Category | Events

We’ve seen a couple warm days and the snow is beginning to melt which means we can focus on our favorite outdoor activities. After a long winter it’s nice to get motivated and try something new. There are plenty of opportunities to get outside and discover what’s in your backyard.

Hiking: A great form of exercise is to go hiking. Take the family, some friends or your dogs and find the local trails your area has to offer. Find a mountain trail or a path along the beach, if available. All you need is a pair of good walking shoes or sneakers.

Golfing: Contrary to popular belief, golfing can be very affordable to pick up. There are plenty of stores and online resources for finding used clubs. For all the costly courses, there are several public courses that offer a cheaper round of golf. You can practice at a driving range and even practice your short game in your back yard.

Running: After a winter stuck on the treadmill, take your workout outdoors. All you need is a good pair of supportive running shoes. There’s a big difference between running on the treadmill and the road, so remember to stretch and warm up before your runs.

Biking: If you have an old bike, dust it off and put some air in the tires. There are shops that sell used bikes as well. If you think you will spend a lot of time biking for exercise, invest in a new one! Pick a spot to bike to for a picnic or commit to riding it for small errands instead of taking the car if you are able to.

Regardless of the activity you choose, take advantage of the warmer weather and get out in the sun. When you switch up the options for exercise, it becomes less daunting and more enjoyable.