
By Day: Krysia is a Receptionist and Final Document Specialist here at the Norcom Avon office. She has many different tasks that she does throughout the day, but one of the first things she does is collect the packages that UPS, FedEx, and USPS drop off. Krysia spends a lot of time scanning and filing finalized documents that we are constantly receiving. She also does a lot of customer service for Norcom, answering phones and making sure customers are directed to the appropriate departments. When she is not doing one of these tasks, she works closely with the Post Closing Department. Krysia says that she enjoys working for Norcom because she absolutely loves working with everyone here, it’s like a big family and since she is a people person, she loves being able to interact with everyone here, and everyone that visits Norcom.  

By Night: After a long day of work, Krysia enjoys going home, getting into her comfortable clothes and relaxing while watching her favorite T.V. shows on Bravo. Krysia is pretty crafty, so in her spare, time she takes pictures of her friends and family, then creates scrapbooks with the photos. Krysia also loves to do hair and makeup in her free time. For fun, she loves to spend time with her close group of friends, and together they go out and have fun. When we asked Krysia who the most important person in her life was, she said there are three, her mom, dad, and little sister. Her parents have always supported her, and her little sister is like her mini best friend, even though they are 13 years apart in age. Something that most people don’t know about Krysia is that she bakes, designs, and decorates cakes. Her friends joke around and call her cake boss, but it was because of one of her friends that she started creating these cakes in the first place. Her friend needed a fancy cake so Krysia taught herself to make these cakes by watching videos online. Krysia’s cakes look amazing and taste even better!